gFotoStat – A Photograph statistics application v 0.1 released

For the past few weeks, Meejan and myself have been working on a photograph statistics application, gFotoStat.

In the form of pie-charts, gFotoStat provides info such as the Aperture, ISO, Focal Length and Shutter Speed of a number of images of a  folder. The first release v 0.1 😀 can be found here for download.

All this began on 4th March’ 10, when Kushal Das was in Durgapur to take a workshop on Python and PyGtk in Dr. B. C. Roy Engineering College. Staying up till 4 a.m., Harsh(yevlempy), Meejan, Kushal, Rtnpro and myself, had a lot of fun and that night, gFotoStat was born :D. Since then, Meejan and myself have been working on it closely with Kushal and now, a basic, usable version is ready.

It’s the first time that we’re working on something like this and this has been a very good learning experience. Over the coming few weeks, we intend to add more features such as an option to view bar charts instead of pie-charts, etc. and kill more and more bugs (got sooo many already! 😀 ). The app’s still an infant! 😉

Would be pleased to receive feedback or suggestions that might help…

  1. Nicu said:

    When blogging for a just-released GUI application is always useful to include a screenshot, everybody loves pretty pictures so you will draw up interest (yeah, I know how it looks, I saw it on #fedora-art).

    • kishangoyal said:

      umm.. yeah.. thanks a lot for the advice, I will surely tend to it ASAP. Yes, it does not look much pretty as of now, but, on adding bar charts too would make things a bit better, I hope.

  2. A pie-chart may not be the best way to represent meta-information of photographs.

    If I were to use the tool to analyze the EXIF data in my collection of photographs, I’d like it to allow me to create custom graphs using various patterns. However, more importantly, proper representation might be a bar-graph.

    A pie-chart is good to understand the relative quantity ie. x% out of 100% of the total whereas the bar graph comparison allows you to see the usage metrics. Think of how they show the score per over during one-day matches.

    • kishangoyal said:

      yes, Meejan and myself are working on the bar chart thing and we hope to update it very soon. Thanks a lot for the advice. Creating customized charts would be a nice addition too.

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